The Odyssey of Bibolé: The Origins (School life)
This genderless collection reintroduces Bibolé and defines the brand’s new direction. Through this collection, we share the history of Bibolé by going back to the beginning, where it all started: in a school environment. Being bibolé of someone is having a strong feeling of deeper love towards that person, it is a special feeling, thus unique. Each look of the “school life” collection embraces that unique feeling.
As depicted in The Odyssey of Bibolé, for the “biboleur” and the “biboleuse,” clothing is a significant part of “the crystallization phases” (De L’Amour, Stendhal 1822). Whether you wear a uniform or regular clothes, daily, unique clothes, unique colors, unique styles, are always a vehicle to express your stage of crystallization to the person you are bibolé of. When you reach the second crystallization you experience perfection and innocence of your lover through the deepest bibolé emotion, and your peers will notice a change in you, also in the way you care about your choices in clothes and styles. How you style your clothes set you apart and you want the world to notice your glow, and to notice that you reached your bibolé plateau. Each collection will be a combination of unique pieces meant to be worn with the purpose to impress the person you are bibolé of.